Upcoming events...
27th January
(1 day)
Roman STEM (Roman)
Ely Museum (Guesting with Britannia)
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5th February
(1 day)
Roman STEM (Roman)
The British Museum (Guesting with Britannia)
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6th May
(1 day)
Maypole and Country Dancing (Victorian)
Headstone Manor
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25th May - 2nd June
(9 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
Framlingham Castle
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15th - 16th June
(2 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
Corfe Castle
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29th June
(2 days)
Roman Mosaics (Roman)
Richborough Roman Fort (Guesting with Britannia)
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20th - 26th July
(7 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
Battle Abbey
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3rd - 9th August
(7 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
Eltham Palace
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24th - 26th August
(3 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
The Knight's Tournament @ Framlingham Castle
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27th August - 1st September
(6 days)
Knights & Castles (& Games)
Framlingham Castle
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30th November - 1st December
(2 days)
Toy Making Workshop
Brodsworth Hall
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7th - 8th December
(2 days)
Toy Making Workshop
Bolsover Castle
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14th - 15th December
(2 days)
Toy Making Workshop
Belsay Hall
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