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Roman Ingenuity

Join Lucius and Flavia as they take your audience through a journey of discovery of Roman life. Lucius is a trader and, although his parents are native Britons, he very much considers himself a Roman!


A journey to Rome when he was a child had him meet Heron of Alexandria and has been obsessed with inventions and science ever since!


Flavia, however, keeps the house and business in order, making sure that the festivals are observed, and the gods honoured properly. She is regularly vexed with Lucius tinkering with his machines rather than doing anything useful and occasionally gets her own back on him!

The Shows

As well as visitor engagement and games, as part of our Roman Event Days we provide several 30 minute shows throughout each day. Each show covers something different about social history, technology and innovation in the time of the Romans and is designed to get the audience involved and feel like they are part of the story.

Some of the shows might include:

The Games


For many visitors it is the games that we provide that are the highlight. Our games are all Roman games that transport players back in time. We fill our Games Arena with many different games, that are relevant to the period, that visitors can play at their leisure and return as much as they want.

Our Games Arena gives visitors something to enjoy from the moment the gates open to the end of the day. Some games are simple, others have more intricate rules, and this spread means that there is something for all.


If you are interested in booking History Adventures for your event or have something in particular that you would like to discus with us then please get in contact. 

We will be happy to help you.

If you would like to book or find out more about our events options you can inquire by calling us on 07540 860930 or by emailing

Alternatively fill out the enquiry form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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