Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions below apply to all Classroom Adventures experience days, workshops and individual sessions. For clarification experience days, workshops and sessions will herein by referred to simply as “event(s)”. Anyone who should engage in the services will herein be referred to simply as “the client”. By making a booking, clients are agreeing to the terms and conditions below.
Experience Days
Bookings and Payment
Bookings are confirmed once a booking form has been received by Classroom Adventures and it is the responsibility of the person booking to ensure all information provided on the form is correct. If upon arrival to deliver a workshop Classroom Adventures staff find that the information on the booking form is not correct or that our terms and conditions (agreed to by returning the booking form) have not been met we reserve the right to not deliver an event and the client will be liable for the day as per our cancellation policy.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that the information on the booking form is correct prior to returning it to Classroom Adventures. The amount that the organisation is invoiced is based on the information contained in the completed booking form. Should the client wish to amend the details of the booking post confirmation, a charge may be levied to cover any costs incurred.
Classroom Adventures will not read/adhere to any terms and conditions set by the client unless this has been agreed prior to the client returning a completed booking form.
The client will be invoiced upon receipt of the booking form. All information needed by the client to make payment is provided on the booking form. The invoice will be dated the date issued and full payment is required via bank transfer within 30 days of the event date (listed on invoice).
Classroom Adventures will not provide any additional information relating to the payment (such as but not limited to, completing forms set by the client, bank statements, void cheques or paying in slips), unless this has been agreed prior to the client returning a completed booking form.
Parking and Set Up
The client is to provide on site parking or secure off-site parking within a two minute walk of the event premises. If neither of these conditions are able to be met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
Classroom Adventures staff aim to arrive at the event space 1 - 1 1/2 hours before the event. For school bookings we will aim to arrive by 07:30 (but no later than 08:00). If the main point of contact is not available at that time then another member of the clients staff should be nominated to greet us at the above time. This nominated member of staff should be made aware of parking arrangements and where the events space(s) is to expedite the process.
Parking should be available for the duration of the Classroom Adventures event, including set up and packing away time (typically 07:30 - 16:30).
It is the clients responsibility to notify Classroom Adventures of any parking restrictions that they may have i.e. height, width, length etc. Please note that currently our van is 2.1m high and 5.1m long, though this may be subject to change by your booking date.
Any charges incurred in order to provide an event, such as parking charges, need to be covered by the client.
Vehicular access will be required as close to the event space as possible. If Classroom Adventures staff are unable to park and unload next to the event space the client should provide members of staff to assist with unloading and transportation of props and equipment to the event space. If neither of these conditions are met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
If the event space is not on ground floor level, then the client should have a lift available to transport props and equipment. If no lift is available, then the client should provide members of staff to transport props and equipment upstairs to the event space. If neither of these conditions are met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
If staff are required as per the conditions above (point 6 & 7), they should be available at both the beginning and the end of the event.
Classroom Adventures staff require at least one hour to set up an event. Any delay in providing uninterrupted access to the event space may incur a delay to the event start time.
Before the event starts, the main point of contact for the event should make themselves available to Classroom Adventure staff to discuss and agree upon the agenda for the event.
In the event of a delay to Classroom Adventures arrival to the clients event location, due to unforeseen circumstances, the following terms apply:
If Classroom Adventures staff arrive at the event location by 09:00 then the full amount quoted will be payable.
If Classroom Adventures staff arrive after 09:00 then, either an appropriate discount will be offered to the client, or an alternative day will be offered if it is no longer practical to provide the event.
If Classroom Adventures are booked for an event and the above conditions are not met then Classroom Adventures reserves the right to cancel the event and the client will be liable for the total amount quoted for the event.
The Experience Day
Classroom Adventures staff will be prepared for the experience day to commence from 09:00. Any delays incurred in set up may incur a later start time.
It is the clients responsibility to notify Classroom Adventures staff of any restrictions to the event space i.e. the hall being used for lunch as this may impact on the day, the content and the order that the content is provided.
Should the event space need to be completely emptied of Classroom Adventures equipment (i.e. for setting up for lunch) then up to 1 hour may be required to pack away and a further 1 hour may be required to reset before the experience day can continue.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that there will be no requirements placed upon participating children to be elsewhere or for additional study.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that there will be no other bookings or activities that clash with the delivery of the Classroom Adventures experience day i.e. fire drills etc.
The client is advised that the main supervisory adult responsible for the group of participating children (i.e. the class teacher(s)) should be present and attentive with their group (i.e. their class) for the duration of the experience day.
Classroom Adventures staff will be prepared to end the day between 15:00 and 15:30 unless the client specifies that an earlier finish is wanted.
Expectations of behaviour
Classroom Adventures events are fully inclusive, fun and above all safe. It is imperative that all participants attending a Classroom Adventures event behave in an acceptable and safe manner as deemed by the Classroom Adventures staff.
At least one member of staff, representative of the client must be present, in the event space, at all times during a Classroom Adventures event. It is Classroom Adventure's recommendation that the client ensures that at least two adults are present for contingency. It is the responsibility of all members of staff representing the client to ensure that the behaviour of participants is acceptable.
Any concerns about behaviour will be brought to the attention of the main member of staff representative of the client, who is responsible for dealing with the behaviour as needed.
Classroom Adventures staff reserve the right to pause and/or stop an event if the behaviour of one or more individuals is deemed unsafe or inappropriate. Classroom Adventures staff may refuse to continue the event until the unsafe/inappropriate behaviour is dealt with appropriately by a member of staff representative of the client.
Cancellations and Refunds
To cancel a booking the client must email or use the contact form on the website.
Once a booking is confirmed, then should the client need to cancel, for any reason, the following charges will apply.
More than 2 months notice – 30% of your quoted price will be payable
Less than 2 months, but more than 1 week notice - 50% of your quoted price will be payable
1 week or less notice – 100% of your quoted price will be payable
If the client needs to reschedule a confirmed booking Classroom Adventures will always try to accommodate a new requested date. However, Classroom Adventures accepts no responsibility if no suitable alternative date can be found. If the client needs to reschedule a booking and the original booking is more than 2 months in the future this can be done with no charge as long as the new booking date is in the same term as the original booked date and no costs have been incurred by Classroom Adventures. If the client needs to reschedule a booking and the original booking is less than 2 months in the future then the terms of the above cancellation policy (as in point 2) may apply.
If the client needs to reschedule and Classroom Adventures has incurred costs, such as for accommodation, then these costs will be added to the final bill.
If for any reason, an event needs to be cancelled by Classroom Adventures then the client will be contacted as soon as possible, and the event will be rescheduled for a suitable date.
If an event is cancelled due to unscheduled closures for example in poor weather conditions, or the client decide to cancel an event after a booking has been confirmed then the above cancellation terms (as in point 2) may apply.
If the client decides that they are no longer able to continue with a Classroom Adventures booking due to COVID-19 then they should contact Classroom Adventures in the first instance.
If the decision to cancel a booking is out of the control of the client or Classroom Adventures (for example due to a change in government protocols like school closures) then an alternative date in the future can be arranged or a booking can be replaced with a DIY School Pack. However if it is the client's organisation's protocols that change, and government protocols still permit Classroom Adventures to visit schools, then the above cancellation policy applies.
Clients are requested to contact Classroom Adventures if any perceived potential hinderances to the event develop as soon as possible so that an appropriate solution can be devised.
Clients should communicate their organisations protocols on COVID-19 with Classroom Adventures at the time of booking so any essential alterations to the event can be worked out. Should a client fail to do this then Classroom Adventures shall assume that their safety protocols shall be sufficient.
Classroom Adventures staff are happy to take a lateral flow test the day before a booked experience day. They will report the result to the client and will reschedule any booked days with the client if a positive result is obtained.
Should the client wish Classroom Adventures staff to take an additional lateral flow test on the day of the booking, then Classroom Adventures staff will be happy to oblige. However, if a positive result is obtained then the client may be asked to cover the costs of travel and/or accommodation incurred by Classroom Adventures.
School Referral scheme
- Organisations that have referred other organisations to us are entitled to £50 off of their next Classroom Adventures School Experience Day so long as the following criteria are met.
- The referred school must have booked a Classroom Adventures Experience Day.
- The said Experience Day must have been delivered by us.
- The referred school must have notified Classroom Adventures, when booking, which school referred them to us.
- The offer of £50 off is only redeemable against a Classroom Adventures Experience Day and is not valid against a Classroom Adventures DIY School Pack, or any other products or services from Classroom Adventures.
DIY School Packs
Orders are confirmed once an order form has been received by Classroom Adventures and it is the responsibility of the person booking to ensure all information provided on the form is correct and that they have the authority to order from us on behalf of their organisation.
Access to the resources on Classroom Adventure’s website is granted automatically until the end of the term that the order is placed, unless it is specified that the DIY School Pack is intended to be used the following term, in which case access will be granted until the end of the following term. Login/account details will be sent to the client upon receipt of a completed order form.
Access must be initiated within 12 months of the invoice date.
If access is required after the end of the term chosen then further access can be purchased for £50 per month.
Upon receipt of a completed order form the order will be shipped and the organisation invoiced.
Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.
Purchases through the Shop
By ordering any of the Products, the customer agrees to be bound to these terms and conditions. Customers can only purchase Products from Classroom Adventures website if they are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.
The description of the Products is as set out on the website, catalogues, brochures or other form of advertisement. Any description is for illustrative purposes only and there may be small discrepancies in the size and colour of the Products supplied.
All Products which appear on the website are subject to availability.
Where the Products are intended for use by children, the customer agrees to fully supervise the children at all times and adhere to our age recommendations.
The description of the Products on Classroom Adventures’ website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the Products. When an order is submitted on the website, Classroom Adventures reserve the right to reject it for any reason. However, Classroom Adventures will always endeavour to provide a reason if this happens.
Classroom Adventures can make changes to the Products which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. If an order has been placed Classroom Adventures will notify the customer of these changes.
Promotion Codes
Valid promotion codes may be used on www.classroomadventures.co.uk/shop
To redeem the discount online, please enter the promotion code on the Basket page.
Discounts will not be applied to delivery charges.
Discounts and promotions may not be exchanged for cash and are non-transferable.
Promotion codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount offer or deal.
Promotion codes may only be used once per customer.
Classroom Adventures reserves the right to terminate discounts at any time.
If the product purchased includes a subscription to our online portal Classroom Adventures will contact the customer via email in order to set this up.
In order to gain access to the online portal within 14 days of placing the order the customer agrees to waive the 14-day cooling off period.
If the customer does not wish to waive the 14-day cooling off period, then they should refrain from accessing the online portal until this period is over.
Unless otherwise specified access will be granted for one month from subscription set up date.
If access is required after this period then access can be purchased at a cost of £5 per month.
The process of ordering is set out on the website. Each step allows the customer to check and amend any errors before submitting. It is the customers responsibility to ensure that all details are entered correctly before completing the checkout.
A contract will be formed for the sale of products when the customer completes checkout and receives an email from Classroom Adventures confirming the order. On receiving a confirmation email the customer must ensure that order is complete and accurate. Classroom Adventures should be informed immediately of any errors.
Classroom Adventures are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the order placed by the customer.
No variation of the contract, whether about the order placed, description of the products, fees, or otherwise can be made after it has been entered into unless the variation is agreed by the customer and Classroom Adventures in writing.
The price of the products and any additional delivery or other charges is set out on the website at the date of order.
Prices include VAT chargeable at the applicable rate at the time of the order.
Payment is made by the customer via credit or debit card. All payments must be processed before products are dispatched.
Products will be delivered to the address supplied by the customer at the time of ordering.
Products will be dispatched using Royal Mail and Classroom Adventures will always obtain proof of postage for products sent.
Classroom Adventures will only deliver to addresses within England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Products will be delivered, where possible, within the time agreed and not more than 30 days after the day the contract is entered into.
The customer agrees that Classroom Adventures may deliver the products in instalments if Classroom Adventures suffers a shortage of stock or other genuine and fair reason. In this case the customer would not be liable for additional postage costs.
The products become the responsibility of the customer from the completion of delivery.
Returns and Cancellations
The customer can withdraw the order before the product is dispatched by informing Classroom Adventures, without reason and without incurring any liability.
Once a product has been dispatched it is not possible to withdraw, cancel or make changes to an order.
If the customer is not satisfied with the purchase, then the products can be returned to Classroom Adventures for a full refund within 14 days of the delivery date.
To be eligible for a refund the customer must take reasonable care of the items and not use them. Products should be returned in the original packaging where possible.
Classroom Adventures is not responsible for the cost to the customer to return the products, unless the return is due to faulty products or products that don’t match the description.
Refunds can only be given for online subscriptions within the 14-day cooling off period.
If a product with an online subscription is returned, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to make deductions from the amount refunded to cover the use (or potential use) of the online content.
Classroom Adventures reserve the right to make deductions from the amount refunded if the product has been handled more than was necessary, i.e., the same amount as if the customer was assessing them in a shop.
Once returned, any refund will be processed to the original payment method within 10 working days.
Personal Information
We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy.
Classroom Adventures may contact you via email, post or other relevant method with details about your order, purchase and online subscription.
Bookings and Payment
Details of the service to be provided by Classroom Adventures, including the nature of the event performance, number of performances per day, living history set-up and any other services will be outlined and agreed prior to booking in the proposal.
Classroom Adventures reserve the right to charge the client a non-refundable deposit of up to 50%, payable on confirmation of the booking. If Classroom Adventures decide to charge a deposit this will be agreed with the client at the proposal stage.
Bookings are confirmed once a booking form has been received by Classroom Adventures, along with a deposit of up to 50%, if requested by Classroom Adventures.
It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the information on the booking form is correct prior to returning it to Classroom Adventures. The amount that the organisation is invoiced is based on the information contained in the completed booking form. Should the client wish to amend the details of the booking post confirmation, a charge may be levied to cover any costs incurred.
If upon arrival to deliver an event Classroom Adventures staff find that the information on the booking form is not correct or that our terms and conditions (agreed to by returning the booking form) have not been met, we reserve the right to not deliver an event and the client will be liable for the booking as per our cancellation policy.
Classroom Adventures will not read/adhere to any terms and conditions set by the client unless this has been agreed prior to the client returning a completed booking form.
The client will be invoiced the full or remaining balance upon receipt of the booking form. The invoice will be dated the date issued and full payment is required via bank transfer within 30 days of the event date (listed on invoice).
Classroom Adventures will not provide any additional information relating to the payment (such as but not limited to, completing forms set by the client, bank statements, void cheques or paying in slips), unless this has been agreed prior to the client returning a completed booking form.
Parking and Set Up
The client is to provide on-site parking or secure off-site parking within a two-minute walk of the event premises. If neither of these conditions are able to be met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
Classroom Adventures staff aim to arrive at the event space 1 - 1 1/2 hours before the event unless Classroom Adventures staff have been able to stay over at the event space prior to the event. If the main point of contact is not available at that time, then another member of the client’s staff should be nominated to greet us at the above time. This nominated member of staff should be made aware of parking arrangements and where the events space(s) is to expedite the process.
Parking should be available for the duration of the Classroom Adventures event, including set up and packing away time.
It is the client’s responsibility to notify Classroom Adventures of any parking restrictions that they may have i.e., height, width, length etc. Please note that currently our van is 2.1m high and 5.1m long, though this may be subject to change by your booking date.
Any charges incurred in order to provide an event, such as parking charges, need to be covered by the client.
Vehicular access will be required as close to the performance space as possible. If Classroom Adventures staff are unable to park and unload next to the performance space the client should provide members of staff to assist with unloading and transportation of props and equipment to the event space. If neither of these conditions are met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
If the event space is not on ground floor level, then the client should have a lift available to transport props and equipment. If no lift is available, then the client should provide members of staff to transport props and equipment upstairs to the event space. If neither of these conditions are met, then Classroom Adventures reserve the right to refuse a booking.
If staff are required as per the conditions above (point 6 & 7), they should be available at both the beginning and the end of the event.
Classroom Adventures staff require at least one hour to set up an event. Any delay in providing uninterrupted access to the event space may incur a delay to the performance start time.
In the event of a delay to Classroom Adventures arrival to the client’s event location, due to unforeseen circumstances, the following terms apply:
If Classroom Adventures staff arrive at the event location by 10:00 then the full amount quoted will be payable.
If Classroom Adventures staff arrive after 09:00 then, either an appropriate discount will be offered to the client, or an alternative day will be offered if it is no longer practical to provide the event.
If Classroom Adventures are booked for an event and the above conditions are not met, then Classroom Adventures reserves the right to cancel the event and the client will be liable for the total amount quoted for the event.
The Event
Classroom Adventures staff will be prepared for the performance to commence from the agreed start time. Any delays incurred in set up may incur a later start time.
Classroom Adventures staff will be prepared to end the day at the time agreed in the proposal.
If on the event day the client needs to make changes to the event schedule for any reason, which is no fault of Classroom Adventures, Classroom Adventures may not be able to perform their full performance time as previously agreed. If this happens, there will be no reduction in fee due to Classroom Adventures.
Cancellations and Refunds
To cancel a booking the client must email or use the contact form on the website.
Once a booking is confirmed, then should the client need to cancel, for any reason, the following charges will apply.
More than 2 months’ notice – 30% of your quoted price will be payable
Less than 2 months, but more than 1 week notice - 50% of your quoted price will be payable
1 week or less notice – 100% of your quoted price will be payable
If the client cancels a booking any deposit paid to Classroom Adventures is non-refundable.
If for any reason, the performance needs to be cancelled by Classroom Adventures then the client will be contacted as soon as possible, and if suitable the event will be rescheduled for a suitable date.
If an event is cancelled due to unscheduled closures for example in poor weather conditions, or the client decide to cancel an event after a booking has been confirmed then the above cancellation terms (as in point 2) may apply.
If the client decides that they are no longer able to continue with a Classroom Adventures booking due to COVID-19 then they should contact Classroom Adventures in the first instance.
If the decision to cancel a booking is out of the control of the client or Classroom Adventures (for example due to a change in government protocols like event closures) then an alternative date in the future can be arranged. However, if it is the client's organisation's protocols that change, and government protocols still permit Classroom Adventures to attend events, then the above cancellation policy applies.
Clients are requested to contact Classroom Adventures if any perceived potential hinderances to the event develop as soon as possible so that an appropriate solution can be devised.
Clients should communicate their organisations protocols on COVID-19 with Classroom Adventures at the time of booking so any essential alterations to the event can be worked out. Should a client fail to do this then Classroom Adventures shall assume that their safety protocols shall be sufficient.
Classroom Adventures staff are happy to take a lateral flow test the day before a booked experience day. They will report the result to the client and will reschedule any booked days with the client if a positive result is obtained.
Should the client wish Classroom Adventures staff to take an additional lateral flow test on the day of the booking, then Classroom Adventures staff will be happy to oblige. However, if a positive result is obtained then the client may be asked to cover the costs of travel and/or accommodation incurred by Classroom Adventures.
Concerns or complaints
Any concerns or issues regarding any services provided by Classroom Adventures should be directed to Lois Knight and emailed to info@classroomadventures.co.uk